Experimental Video
Recently, I've been thinking about anxiety and confusion – the feeling of "be[ing] left d-a-n-g-l-i-n-g" – as school activities pick up pace and I'm still adjusting to being around so many people and leaving my house (or in this case, my dorm room) again (McLuhan 63). After over a year of stillness in isolation, the change in pace is a lot to process. I don't know that I fully agree when McLuhan credits being"profoundly involve[d] ... with one another" to electric circuitry alone. Physical proximity and interactions with other people has an involvement on its own that online classes (electric circuitry only) did not have to the same degree. This video is a reflection of that: reflecting on my attempts to remain calm and take time for stillness amidst a change in environment, with information (and emails) seeming to "pour upon [me], instantaneously and continuously" (McLuhan 63). I admire the spiders outside my window who, 6 floors up...